Create a Website

Card Widget

The Card Widget is used to add descriptions of products or services and their features. You can find it in the Content section of the builder.

On the left settings panel, you can choose a card design, create a new design, change the alignment, connect the card to statistics, and set a widget class to place code to add custom CSS styles on the Pro plan.

Drag and drop the widget where you need it, and click on the "droplet" icon to open the design settings where you can change:

  • the image
  • elements
  • background color
  • paddings

You can enable and disable the following card elements:

  • heading
  • description
  • price
  • button
  • underlay

In the Background section, you can set up a desirable background design for the card by setting the image, changing a color overlay and opacity.

In the Paddings section, you can change the top, bottom, left, and right paddings, as well as, spaces between the button text and borders.

To set a link to a button, click on the "link" icon that will show up in the toolbar above, choose where the link will take to, and save the changes. Apart from an external link, you can set a link to a page on your website, an anchor link, a pop-up window, and even a link to your email or even phone so that when clicking on it, your site visitor could call you immediately.


The link to the home page of your site is set as default.

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