Timer Widget
To attract more attention to your product or service on your site, you can use the Timer widget which can also be used to call for action. You can find it in the Content section.
On the left panel, the following settings are available:
Type allows you to set the way the timer will work.
- For a period of time: allows you to set the countdown for a certain period of time. You can specify the number of days, hours and minutes.
- To a specific date: allows you to set the final date until which the timer will run (countdown).
- Repeated timer will start every day for the set period of time at the desired time. For example, you can set it from 12 pm to 12 am, and the next day the it will repeat until it's disabled.
- Restart upon page reload: allows you to restart the timer after each new page load (update).
Period allows you to set the timer run time for each type.
Advanced settings allow you to configure the timer display: display or not the "Days", "Hours", "Minutes", and "Seconds" captions, what to do with the timer after countdown is over.
Design: allows you to set the color scheme (Light, Dark, or Transparent).
Alignment: allows you to set the timer to be left- or right-aligned or centered.
Show: allows you to hide or show days, seconds, and the captions under the numbers.
Add a widget class to place code related to it.