Create a Website

Button Widget

A button is used to display a call to action or, for example, make an order, leave a request, and so on. You can create different button designs on your site for different purposes making buttons more attractive to your site visitors.

Place the Button widget on the site page. When you click it, the settings will open on the left panel and on the panel above the button.

On the left panel, the following settings are available:

  • Select or add a new button design: now you can create up to 10 various designs
  • Align the button in the widget block: left, right, or center
  • Add a widget class
  • Enable statistics

On the panel above the widget, you can find design and link settings.

Click on the “droplet” icon to change the button design on the left panel.


The design setting changes are applied to all buttons on your website for which you have selected the same design.

The following design settings are available:

  • Background: change the overlay and opacity, enable stroke and select its color, thickness, and opacity
  • Text: change the size and color of the button text
  • Paddings: change top, bottom, left, and right paddings — spaces between the button text and borders
  • Rounded corners: set the button border radius in pixels for all corners at once or for individual corners
  • Shadow: choose the shadow size (small, medium, large), or create custom shadow setting its color, opacity, the X- and Y-offsets, blur and spread radius
  • Animation: enable hover effects for the button. Set opacity, zoom, and brightness. In animation settings, you can set the period and delay in seconds, as well as select the easing type

To set a link to a button, click on the "link" icon that will show up in the toolbar above, choose where the link will take to, and save the changes.

Apart from an external link, you can set a link to a page on your website, an anchor link, or a pop-up window, and even a link to your email or even phone so that when clicking on it, your site visitor could call you immediately.

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