Create a Website

How Do I Set Up a 404 Page?

404 Error is the server response code which means that a requested page has not been found. Thanks to a 404 page, website visitors understand they have reached a page that does not exist. A visitor can get there if they mistyped the page address, (for example, or the page was deleted.

Having a custom (and creative) 404 page is very important because it affects customer retention on your site and makes light of an unfortunate situation. A 404 page designed in the same style as your site will help the customer understand that the site is running as usual and nothing is broken.

Place a fun text or image on the page that will keep your visitors positive. This will be a great motivation for them to stay and explore your site content!

The 404 page can be changed in the Site Pages tab under System. Together with editing the page and setting up its background, you can also customize the page design:

This happens because now Google considers that the page has little content and, as a result, defines it as nonexistent.

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