Create a Landing Page

Ready-made templates, a wide range of thematic categories and design elements, notifications from forms, integrations, unlimited hosting.
Create a landing page yourself in a few hours
Create a Landing Page
Stylish designs
Great opportunities
User-friendly interface
Online payments
Advanced analytics

Examples of Landing Page Designs

Choose any of the templates from the library. Customize its content or replace the template with another one later on if needed. Unlimited hosting and free SSL certificates on all plans

What You Get for Your Landing Page

With uKit there’s no need to be a web pro to create high-quality, beautiful landing pages that work like a dream. You don’t need to work with source code either — just ready-made blocks and widgets. Ample design freedom and third-party integrations
Ready-made templates
Adaptive design
High-quality analytics system
Chats and callback buttons
Timers, price lists, timelines

How to Create a Landing Page with uKit

Even if you’re not a web pro and you’re using the uKit builder for the first time, you can craft your first landing page in just a few hours
Select a Template
We have a lot of themed design options for many industries. Just select the one that suits you best and customize it. Add or remove widgets, then set the desired text font and color
See Templates
Add Custom Content
The templates already contain meaningful default texts. But if you want a unique and effective site, you should add custom text. Upload images and add videos where you need them too: uKit has a built-in image editor
Set Up Mobile and Tablet Versions
You can hide any elements or entire blocks and implement an alternative design style for mobile and tablet.
Or you can just make sure everything works as it should in the preview mode and leave the site as is
Connect Your Domain and Publish Your Landing Page
You can get a new domain on the uKit Dashboard. In this case, the DNS records will be set automatically. SSL certificates are free and also set up automatically.
You don’t have to edit anything manually. uKit stores up to 10 backups of your site. Don’t be afraid to edit your site or make mistakes. You can get the backed-up version of your website at any time
Set Up Analytics
You can connect Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel. It’ll only take a few minutes.
Track landing page performance in real time or over a specific period of time without leaving the uKit Dashboard

It’s Almost Done!

Now you need to add the site to search engines and configure your SEO settings. uKit allows you to set meta tags for each page of your site. You can use a special built-in SEO wizard to check if your site is ready for publishing
Create a Landing Page

What Else You Can Create with uKit

Create any type of website yourself with our builder, even if you’ve never done it before

Are You Ready to Create Your Landing Page on uKit?

Build your own landing page right now from scratch using blocks or a ready-made template. No programming skills or special knowledge required
Try for Free